Chapter 3 part 1

After reading the module and video in chapter 3 part 1 about PROCEDURE TEXT and starting to understand a little about what a PROCEDURE TEXT is, now let's start working on the practice questions in the module on pages 8-15.

Practice 1: Name the following tools. Then, match the  description (function) of each.

A. An electrical device for making toast.

B. An automated kitchen appliance designed to boil or steam rice.

C. An electric mixing machine used in food preparationlequefying, chooping and pureeing ingridients.

D. A device that accepts text and graphic output rom a computer and

transform information to paper

E. A computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling

F. A device for recording visual images in the form of photograph, film or video signals



Practice 2:

1) First, you will read silently to understand the procedure texts below. Make sure that you know the meaning of every word. If you find some words that you do not understand their meaning yet. Then, consult the dictionary. (Baca dalam hati untuk memahami makna dari teks prosedur berikut).

2) Second, read each text (text 1 and 2) loudly as if you are giving the instructions and take a note on your book. If possible, record your voice. (Baca dengan nyaring seolah-olah Kalian sedang memberikan instruksi dan jika memungkinkan rekamlah suara kalian).

Practice 3: Read those texts (Text1 and 2) one more time then answer these questions.

a. What are those texts about?

b. Who will probably need to read read the texts?

c. What are the purpose of the texts?

d. What is the benefit of reading the texts?

Question 1

a. What are those texts about?
Dari judul teks di atas kita bisa melihat bagaimana informasi diberikan kepada pembaca tentang cara memasukkan sim card ke dalam cellphone serta cara memasak menggunakan rice cooker melalui tahapan-tahapan yang harus diikuti. 
Maka Jawabannya: The text is about the information on how to insert simcard cellphone and how to cook rice in a rice cooker.

Question 2

b. Who will be probably need to read the texts? Pertanyaan menggunakan kata tanya "who" maka untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini Kalian perlu memikirkan siapa yang membutuhkan informasi ini.
 Maka Jawabannya: Everyone who has cellphone and everyone who will cook rice in rice cooker will need to read this text

Question 3

c. What is the purpose of the texts? Tujuan teks prosedur bisa dilihat bagaimana penulis memberikan informasi berupa cara/instruksi yang harus diikuti agar hasil yang dicapai efisien. Oleh sebab itu perhatikan kalimat awal yang digunakan selalu mengandung kata kerja imperatif berupa perintah yang digunakan di setiap tahapan..
Maka jawabannya: The purpose of each text is to tell how something is done/accomplished through the sequence of steps.

Question 4

d. What is the benefit of reading the texts?
Manfaat membaca teks tentu terkait dengan informasi yang diberikan sehingga pembaca mendapatkan informasi untuk menggunakan informasi tersebut sesuai dengan yang diberikan dengan efisien.
Maka jawabannya:
The benefit of reading this text is the readers will know how to insert simcard cellphone and how to cook using rice cooker.

2. Struktur Teks
Practice 4: Read text 1 then analize its structure using this table

3. Unsur Kebahasaan
Practice 5: Read text again then analyze its structure using this table.


Untuk practice 6, the topic is how to use glue gun, target readers are people who will use glue gun. Bagaimana dengan purpose? Ya the purpose of the text is telling how to use glue gun through a sequence of actions. Dan untuk benefit of reading the text is the readres get information to use glue gun.

Berikutnya, kita beralih ke practice 7, coba Kalian lihat analisis struktur teksnya, yang pertama adalah goal: how to use glue gun. Materials/tools needed: glue sticks and glue gun, dan there are seven steps diawali dengan kalimat yang berisi kata first dan diakhiri oleh kalimat yang ditkalianí dengan kata finally.

Practice 8 menuntut kalian menganalisis grammatical featuresnya dan yang bisa kita temukan meliputi; Imperative seperti check and clean the glue gun, put the glue stick into the gun nozzle, dan kalimat imperative lainnya; action verb diantaranya, check, clean, put, dll.; connective; first, finally; adverb diantaranya gently.

Practice 9

Read Text 3 below then answer following the questions. Handwrite your complete answers on your notebook

a. What is the text about?
The text is about the information on how to access ATM

b. Who might be interested in reading this text?
People who want to access ATM

c. What is the purpose of writing this text?
The purpose of each text is to tell how something is
done/accomplished through the sequence of steps.

d. What is the benefit of reading this text?
The benefit of reading this text is the readers will know how to access ATM
e. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?Insert debit card into the ATM.

f. Mention 3 words from the text that are not familiar for you!i

Incredibly, withdraw, and prompts

Practice 10
Compare the two texts (Text 1 and 2) above by telling their similaritiesa nd the differences in the following grid.

Social Function 
Similarities :
To inform the way
how to..
Differences :
Text 1 : To inform the way to
use a blender
Text 2 : To inform the way how
to pass in the interview

Text Structure 
Similarities : 
Differences : 
Grammatical Features 
Similarities : 
Present tense
Action Verb
Differences : 

Chapter 3 part 2

After reading the module and video in chapter 3 part 2 about HOW TO DO and starting to understand a little about what a HOW TO DO is, now let's start working on the practice questions in the module on pages 21-23.


 sit up

1. Correct your body position with a comfortable base such as a mattress. The base should not be too soft or too hard. 

2. Bend your knees 90 degrees and the soles of your feet touch the base. 

3. Arms crossed over the chest or both placed behind the head.

4. Lift your body with your abdominal muscles while exhaling.

5. Lower your body slowly by holding your abdominal muscles while taking a breath. 

6. Do the movement repeatedly, but don't force it if you don't have the strength.

Chapter 3 part 3
After reading the module and video in chapter 3 part 3 about HOW TO USE and starting to understand a little about what a HOW TO USE is, now let's start working on the practice questions in the module


1. Prepare all of the ingredients
2. Boil 300 ml milk in the pan and add some wheat
 3. Put the margarine, salt and seasoning into the pan
4. Stir the pan with fork until thickens
5. Put the macaroni into the pan and wait until puffed
6. Serve the macaroni in the plate and ready to enjoy

Chapter 3 part 5

Finally we have arrived at the end of chapter 3 material. After chapter 1 we have learned what a PROCEDURE TEXT is, it's time for us to do the daily test chapter 3, yeah!!!. This daily test is very important for us as students, why? because this daily test can be a test of our abilities as students from what we have learned.

how to do is in this material we will know how to do it, how to make it, and how to use it in stages so that we know the steps correctly.


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